Our Story

What is
Friends of Puerto Rico? 

We are a non-partisan, non-profit 501(c)(3) social impact organization headquartered 
in Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico, focused on mobilizing a network of partners to 
accelerate economic opportunities for our community. 

Our mission

Friends of Puerto Rico is committed to the economic development of the Puerto Rican people through entrepreneurial initiatives, education, and creating opportunities for our community. 

We are a collaborative organization focused on practical solutions that drive economic growth through sustainable and self-sufficiency initiatives for the people of Puerto Rico and those in Puerto Rican communities around the United States.

Our values

Explore the core principles that guide our mission at Friends of Puerto Rico

accountability and philantrophy

 & Accountability

teamwork and transparency

& Transparency

problem solving


entrepeneurial impact


result oriented efforts


  • 2015

    A group calling themselves “Friends of Puerto Rico” came together to celebrate a special exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC on loan from its home at the Museo de Arte de Ponce in Puerto Rico. In celebration of the exhibition, the ‘Friends’ were able to raise over $20,000 for renovations for the Museo de Arte de Ponce, as well as establish a fund that ensured free access to the museum for low-income students in Puerto Rico. That experience inspired our founders to continue their mission and to focus their efforts on creating economic opportunities for the Puerto Rican people by investing in education and entrepreneurship.

  • 2017

    After the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria on the island, Friends of Puerto Rico utilized their network to aid in the relief and recovery effort, gathering one million pounds of food, water, and medicine. In the storm's aftermath, we helped rebuild businesses, schools, and hospitals and even provided micro-grants to musicians who lost instruments and other equipment. During this time, Friends of Puerto Rico fully realized our potential to effect positive change on the island, both in the short term and for the future.

    We launched the AMIGAS network and business accelerator, which connects a global society of successful women entrepreneurs with younger generations of girls and women interested in creating their own small businesses. Young entrepreneurs were equipped with the valuable skills necessary to compete in today’s economic environment. It impacted over 750 women.

  • 2019

    The SEEDS program launches, a STEM-based entrepreneurship education program for youth in Puerto Rico that teaches public school children how to run an agri-business from the ground up. 

    Café Ama Love, our Arabica social impact coffee company is born. Every purchase provides scholarships to youth and women entrepreneurs.

  • 2020

    The first harvest yielded fruit, graduating 83 youth entrepreneurs from 5 schools, who launched 25 businesses with an ecological, self-sustaining approach ranging from artistic and culinary areas to mass production.

    Two SEEDS students traveled to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City from Puerto Rico, to present Café Ama to thousa

  • 2021

    The Panorama Farm program is founded on the Panoramic Route of Las Marías, to provide lodging, tours, and sustainable agriculture of local products. All profits help support the SEEDS program.

  • 2022

    The Aguadilla Business Center is inaugurated in downtown Aguadilla. The hub is dedicated to the economic development of the region by providing education, training, and a collaborative workspace for small businesses.

    Our second inclusive business center, the Metro Women’s Business Center is inaugurated in San Juan. Funded partially by the Small Business Administration, it provides comprehensive training and resources for women

  • 2023

    The first Metro Women’s Business Leadership Summit and the Puerto Rico Economic Empowerment Summit expanded our range of action in Washington, DC. 

    Global organization Innovations of the World recognizes Friends of Puerto Rico among the top 100 innovators in cities worldwide.

  • 2024

    Chick-fil-A awards Friends of Puerto Rico with a True Inspiration Award.

    The ESCALERA and Pioneras programs were launched, helping students prepare for college education and workforce skills development.

    Merck partners with Friends of Puerto Rico to kick off a health and wellbeing educational campaign across Puerto Rico.
