Jenier and how turned his $5 gift into a $55 profit

In celebration of International Youth Day, we would like to spotlight one of our SEEDS graduates Jenier Soto. Upon the SEEDS graduation, each student was given a gift bag that they were to open on their graduation day. Enclosed in the gift bag was $5 for them to use however they would like.

Jenier eager to see what was in the bag opened his gift early, in it he found $5. However, Jenier saw it as more than $5 he could spend on a toy or candy; he saw his gift as a business opportunity. With his $5 he employed his mother to drive him to buy Mallorcas, which he would eventually sell to people in his hometown.

With this investment, Jenier turned his $5 gift into a $55 profit. We want to share Jenier’s story because it brings us a lot of hope for the youth of Puerto Rico’s future. Jenier’s ability to see that the $5 was a seed to plant and grow something greater is exactly what the SEEDS program encompasses.

Students like Jenier drive us to spread our SEEDS branches even further to reach more youth in Puerto Rico. We are so inspired to see how graduates of our first SEEDS cohort like Jenier are already transforming their education to invest in not only their future but the future of Puerto Rico as well. We cannot wait to see what more they will do! 


Congas and Chill, a Salsa Na Ma’ Fundraiser for Puerto Rico


Our SEEDS Graduation 2020