Mom and daughter create a Healthy Meals Movement

Entrepreneurship is more than a means of providing for oneself or one’s family - for the SEEDS students in Puerto Rico, entrepreneurship is providing for one’s community. One of our student businesses, Good & Healthy, aimed to provide healthy alternatives to support healthy living among members of their community, while simultaneously learning skills and building connections that will serve them throughout life.

Good & Healthy is a small business which aims to provide local, organic pizza for the community in Guayanaba, Puerto Rico. Jesmarie, one of Good & Healthy’s founders, and her mother, recently shared with us about her experience with the SEEDS program, and what she has learned as an entrepreneur. 

According to Jesmarie’s mother, the SEEDS program has given Maria the chance to start something of her own:

“This program has helped and created a lot of security for my daughter. She came up with a brilliant idea that really surprised me as her mother. She has a cooking talent because it runs in our family. I have a business, my parents had a business, and I think she inherited that and she has done an excellent job. SEEDS has been a very valuable tool for her and I know that in her future she will do something amazing.” 

While Maria is learning about healthy foods and ways this can impact her community, she’s also learning how to use her voice - a skill that will last a lifetime.

Jesmarie is one of the most recent graduates from the SEEDS program from Barranquitas, Puerto Rico. SEEDS is a STEAM-based entrepreneurship education program for youth in Puerto Rico.

SEEDS allows students to tackle real-world business problems and engage in a mentorship program with leaders in business from on and off the island. 

To find out more about Good & Healthy visit the SEEDS business page here to watch Good & Healthy’s business pitch and ways you can support Maria and other students. Also check out their Facebook here.


Small Actions create Big leaders


Ivan: "Being an entrepreneur feels really different than being an ordinary kid"