Aguadilla Business Center (ABC) Inauguration

By Nashaley Adorno de León, Friends of Puerto Rico Development Intern and Andrés Atra, Friends of Puerto Rico Intern

Aguadilla Business Center (ABC) InaugurationOn the morning of Friday, February 4, 2022, the Friends of Puerto Rico Aguadilla Business Center (ABC) ribbon-cutting took place on the third floor of the old ice-skating park. Angelique Sina, President of Friends of Puerto Rico (FoPR), along with the team of FoPR , welcomed the community into the new offices. The Aguadilla Business Center supports small businesses by providing personalized advice, resources on how to start and grow businesses, and mentoring services for new or existing businesses.

To commemorate the event, Friends of Puerto Rico awarded the three winners of Aguadilla Emprende con AMIGAS, a pitch event held last November 2021. The winners, Alani Aldarondo, founder of Chilea, Patricia Colón, founder of Morivivi, and Manuela Silva of Manu Villanu received seed funding for their businesses, totaling $2,250. The winners also had the opportunity to present and sell their products to attendees of the event. Friends of Puerto Rico wishes these distinguished businesswomen much success and appreciates the participation of all the community that gathered on February 4, 2022. 


Golf with Friends of Puerto Rico this Friday, Oct 14, 2022


Aguadilla Emprende con AMIGAS